Friday, July 20, 2012

My Simself

I uploaded my simself to Cstyles the other day.  I'm pretty proud of her.  She's kind of a 'perfect' version of me...perfect rolls. lol  She's curvy, but sims don't actually have 'rolls' so to speak...even if they're enormous...  I had to use pretty much every slider out there on the market to get her to look right...I have a weird face. lol  And you really have to, to get a realistic-ish looking sim.  She's not 100% accurate, though...I have a tattoo on my let arm of my mother's signature, a small tattoo on my left breast that I did when I was, it didn't hurt, but I do regret it...and the bottom half of my hair is copper.  You can't really do that with hair in TS3, unfortunately, so I just went with my natural dirty dishwater brown hair. lol

I really love this explains me to a T.


Also, here's a pic of my arm tat...I love it...

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