Thursday, May 31, 2012

Asylum Update #5

Wow...that was a long day of and doing nothing....and I got PAID to do it! lol

Anywho, I'm home now, and decided to get another round of simming in....sorry for the massive updates...

Day 6
Found out something interesting.....Blaize has a friend...even though he's never been outside the asylum....

I wonder who he was talking to.... o.O

So, Khalida went to work and after a couple hours, this popped up...

Umm....I don't know whether to say wtf or boyfriend, who has the dirtiest mind ever, decided to go with wtf. lol

Then, when she got home, she had to plunge the toilet....AGAIN!  Come on people! lol

Don't you tap your foot at me, little miss Cheryl've done nothing to help this issue...and no, mopping up the puddles isn't helping....  But then Blaize came into the bathroom to shower, so she couldn't even finish....*sigh*

Day 7
It's her weekend, so I had her unclog the toilet completely, which gave her a handiness point.  I decided to up her handiness skill even more so that she could finally fix the computer... tell that computer who's boss...while your arm clips into your boob....

With the computer fixed, I had her work from home to up her work performance, so hopefully on Monday she'll get promoted again.

That's all for now...nothing much else happened the rest of the day, so I'll sign off.

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